Tuesday 1 October 2013

The True Source of The Nile

The mystique Nile River has long held an almost magnetic attraction to those with curious souls and Adventurous hearts. Not merely a powerful water body(and the world's longest River), the Nile is a thunderous matriarch, having given birth to mankind's oldest and most advanced civilization. Even today, the Nile's sheer force provides the foundations of trade, as well as the generation of power, for those who live on it's  shires and beyond. But there has always been something more..
Perhaps born out of mankind's inquisitiveness in relation to that of our own origins, discovering the source of the mighty River captivated the imaginations of scientistists, geographers and exploerers as far back as the second century A.D. When Alexandrian Astronomer Ptolemy hypothesized that it was watare flowing down the Uganda's snow-covered Mountains of the Moon (known today as Rwenzoris) via the two great lakes that filled the Nile's expansive banks. Ptolemy wasn't far off the mark, but it would be over 1500 years later before these suspicions  would begin to receive confirmation.

Enter British explorers John Hanning Speke, who discovered and correctly determined that Lake Victoria was the Nile's true source, describing it in his journal as being "Most beautiful...the very perfection of the kind of the kind of effect aimed at in a highly kept park; with a magnificiate stream from 600 to 700 yards wide. dotted with islets and rocks, the former occupied with fisherman's huts, the latter by sterns and crocodile basking in the sun... the waters which men carry all the way from Egypt to Mecca...I no longer feel any doubt that the lake my feet gave birth to that River Nile."

Though Speke was not enough of a geographer to gather the requisite evidence to prove his intuition correct, it would be scientic and Missionary Dr. David Livingstone and his unexpected doppelgager. American Journalist Henery Morton Stanely, that would brave Africa's interior in the interest of finding once and for all the spot which, as described by explorer James Bruce, "baffled the genius, industry, and inquiry of both ancients and moderns for the course of three thousand years..."

Even though the Source was discovered to be at the Lake Victoria there are a number of people who still claim that it is not true, they associate with Akagera's source. This was discard since a Akagera is just a tributary not the main River. This leaves the True source being the Lake Victoria

The place has now been a major attraction and is fully accessible by tourists, There is a boat cruise to the place where where Speke make to be the Starting point or The World's longest River whose water take 90 Days to reach the Mouth in The Mediterranean sea in Egypt. The is a number of Rapids where White water Rafting is down. It is an experience that can never be felt on any other river in the world

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